Wei Chaodong, The Municipal Party Secretary of Hong Hu City, Hu Bei Province,Visited BORUN HIGH TECH
On July 12, 2023, Wei Chaodong, the municipal party secretary of Hong Hu City, Hu Bei Province, and his delegation visited BORUN HIGH TECH---the R&D Center of Hubei HUIDA HIGH TECH in Beijing. Ms. Wang Kun (GMA), Mr. Wang Xianwei (Marketing Manager), Ms. Li Haiyan (Marketing Officer) accompanied the whole process.
Ms. Wang kun and Mr. Wang Xianwei respectively made a report about the construction of HDHT’s new plant, the operation of BRHT R&D center and the company's marketing situation. The municipal party secretary Wei had a detailed understanding of HDHT's product structure, operating conditions, R&D center’s technology reserves, talents reserves. And highly recognized the management philosophy: “scientific and technological innovation lead high-quality development.” Secretary Wei also said: "Xin tan Economic Cooperation Zone has the convenient of water and land transportation, sharing Wuhan talent resources and other convenient resources, Xin Tan Phase II welcomes high-tech enterprises ---HDHT to join."
《Photo in BRHT》
《Watching HDHT&BRHT' video》
《Photo in R&D Lab》